Madayaw! Happy Kadayawan Dabawenyos! Enjoy the best from Davao’s homegrown food establishments and get the chance to win up to PhP10,000 worth of vouchers. Join the Grab Kadayawan Promo.

Make sure to join to be one of 35 lucky winners who can win up to P10,000 worth of GrabFood vouchers
How to Join the Grab Kadayawan Promo
To join the promo entitled “Grab FEASTival,” all you have to do is order, use a promo code, enjoy a discount, and fill out a form.

Here is a step by step guide.
- Open your Grab app.
- Click on the FOOD icon.
- Click on the “Win P10K GrabFood! icon.
- Order from any establishment listed under “Win P10K GrabFood!”
- Use the promo code MADAYAW and enjoy a discount.
- When your order is completed, you will receive a message in your Grab app Inbox. Open the message, click on the link to the raffle form.
- Accomplish the raffle form, with 1 order equivalent to 1 raffle entry. You may also access the raffle form here:
Easy, right? You get to enjoy food, avail of a discount, and join a raffle. Plus, you get to support local businesses.
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