Category Archives: Events

Davao Cyber Expo 2007: Cyber Games Championship Day 1

It was a fun and exciting first day for the Davao Cyber Expo 2007. Gamers witnessed the Bracket A Teams face off each other in games that did not fail to disappoint. At the end of the day, Team STQ2 of Sequel won over Team Bytes-Jacinto, TC Clan prevailed over PGF, Team Sick emerged victorious over Team Anytime, and X2 battered Team 51ph.

Watch out for more updates on the more anticipated Bracket B games today.

Davao Cyber Expo 2007: DoTA Championship Brackets

On July 4 – 6, 2007, all roads finally lead to the NCCC Mall Ground Floor where 16 teams representing 16 gaming cafes in Davao City battle each other in the first ever Davao Cyber Expo Cyber Games Finals. Earlier this evening (June 25, 2007), team leaders and representatives converged at Blinque Gaming Cafe in Matina. They were oriented on the changes of the schedule, the rules, and other matters pertinent to the tournament.

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Davao Cyber Expo 2007: Star Access Net Eliminations and Other Updates

Yesterday (July 17, 2007), small internet cafe, Star Access Net in Obrero was overcrowded with DoTA gamers who witnessed the elimination games between Teams STQ2 and Dawat_Limpyo. During the first game, STQ2 on the Sentinel’s side, picked Gondar, Magina, Ezalor, Lina Inverse, and Zeus. On the other side, Dawat_Limpyo used Akasha, Warlock, Rikimaru, Nevermore, and Pugna. STQ2 won game 1.

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Davao Cyber Expo 2007: Sequel Sta. Ana DoTA Tournament Eliminations

Gamers were treated to a thrilling experience when two of the top local DoTA teams battled it out last Saturday, June 9, 2007, to be declared as the official representatives of Sequel Sta. Ana in the Davao Cyber Expo 2007 DoTA Tournament Finals. Sequel Sta. Ana’s homegrown STQ1 fiercely defended their right to be the official representative of Sequel against Team Basic.

During the elimination rounds, Teams STQ1 and STQ2 eliminated Teams -DraKez- and Frutas, respectively. Meanwhile, Team Basic defeated Team Chua Hua and Company Part 2. Team Juan Luna surprised everyone when they scored a victory over Team Jack n’ Jill. Juan Luna was the only team which had female players. During the semifinals, Juan Luna lost to STQ1, while STQ2 fought a long fight against Basic. Eventually, Basic prevailed over STQ2. In the elimination and semifinal rounds, the teams played one game against each other in an alternate all pick mode.

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Aw2spec’s Maximum Overdrive 3


Aw2spec did it again. After two long years, Aw2spec staged Maximum Overdrive 3 last May 25 and 26, 2007 ay the Matina Town Square.


Aw2spec is one of the pioneering Davao-based websites that asserted Davao City’s prominence online. Aw2spec, headed by it president, Charles Brian J. Bonguyan, brought Davao City to the world by bringing the local automotive scene to the worldwide web. Aw2spec was the first online automotive magazine in Mindanao. And until now, it remains THE authority in Southern Philippines’ Automotive scene. Aw2spec advanced their prominence in the industry when they held the first Maximum Overdrive car show years ago. It was only the first of many events that the Aw2spec Team successfully organized. Many years later, many among the team has come and gone, but Aw2spec’s passion and dedication for promoting the Southern Philippines’ automotive scene remains constant. Proof of this is the long-awaited but very much successful Maximum Overdrive 3.

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Philippine Eagle Week


PRESS RELEASE May 30, 2007

Philippine Eagle Center Open House on Saturday

In celebration of the annual Philippine Eagle Week on June 4-10, the Philippine Eagle Center will be an Open House whole day Saturday, June 2, 2007 . No entrance fees to get into the Center and enjoy the beauty of the Philippine Eagle and other Philippine wildlife!

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